Our Mission

We share in an apostolic mission through prayer, study, community, and preaching.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Officers of the Executive Council

The St. Martin de Porres Province Lay Provincial Council(LPC) has newly elected officers of the Executive Council.
Provincial President                        COL Jo Ann Cotterman, O.P. (St. Dominic Chapter, LA)
Provincial Vice-President              Mrs. Lana Bastin, O.P. (St. Cecilia Chapter, TN)
Provincial Treasurer                        Mrs. Amy Haney, O.P. (St. Thomas Aquinas Chapter, TX)
Provincial Secretary                        Ms Debra Mattison, O.P. (St. Martin de Porres Chapter, NC)
(JoAnn, Lana, Debra, Amy)
We say thanks to them for generously offering their talents to the service of their sisters and brothers in the Province. Let us keep them in our prayers.
We also have an approved Provincial Mission Statement;
The Lay Dominicans of the Province of St. Martin de Porres, as a fruit of our baptism, are Catholics
called by God to a vocation in the Order of Preachers. We live the four pillars of Dominican spirituality
through community, prayer, study, and preaching with our words and actions.  We celebrate our
way of life by serving others through the truth and power of God's love.
The delegates of the LPC were very talented**  and a full reporting of their work will be sent out as soon as the meeting  minutes are finalized. We attribute our accomplishments to the blessings of the Holy Spirit giving us wisdom and a cooperating spirit.
Past Provincial President (Thank you Jesus), Bruce
** If you want to know about the talents of the LPC delegates in terms of entertainment you should ask your delegate. As a clue let’s just say that Dancing Dominicans would be an apt description.

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