Our Mission

We share in an apostolic mission through prayer, study, community, and preaching.

Vocation to the Dominican Laity

Vocation to the Dominican Laity

A vocation to Dominican life as a lay person is a vocation to holiness.  

Pope John Paul II tells us that:
"The vocation to holiness must be recognized and lived by the lay faithful, first of all as an undeniable and demanding obligation and as a shining example of the infinite love of the Father that has regenerated them in His own life of holiness."             (CL 17, JPII)

As Dominicans, we strive to live this vocation to holiness by living within the elements of Dominican life.

Community:  We are brothers and sisters, sharing a common spirit, who nurture and encourage one another. We are a worldwide community, and meet in local chapters or prochapters (those in early stages of formation.)  Our communities are governed democratically.  Our Order is mendicant; as a community, we strive to live a simple lifestyle. Each of us share in our brothers' and sisters' struggle to live the Gospel.

Liturgy and Prayer:  We strive to make part of our daily life reception of the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours, along with personal meditation and prayer, including the Rosary.  This commitment provides the strength necessary for our way of life.

Study: Scripture, documents of the Church and spiritual and theological writers are the foundation of our continual effort to know the Truth.  Prayerful study prepares us for the mission of the Order: preaching, in whatever fashion our state in life allows or occasions. Our spiritual formation is lifelong; therefore, our study, both personal and in common, is assiduous.

Discipline: Practices of personal penance, simplicity of life and dictates of charity form the basis for our self-discipline.

Apostolate: We are active witnesses, striving to give service, compassion and enrichment to others.  We achieve this through our holy preaching, Ministry of the Word, or our participation in various activities or initiatives (such as Peace and Justice).